Rainy Day Enrichment

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Does your dog seem overly energetic or crazy on days when the weather is not so nice out. its most likely due to a lack of meeting their needs both mentally and physically. It is important to note that all dogs are unique and have different needs. Make sure to meet those needs or talk with a professional for some help. With Aussie being a high energy we have a toolbox of Rainy Day enrichment that I wanted to share with my fellow dog parents.

Dog Day Care

Rainy Day Enrichment

Pros: burns energy, socialization with other dogs and people 

Cons: exposure to health risks, injuries can occur, bad manners can be taught (Jumping, barking)

**Day care is not for every dog and should not be used as the only outlet the dog gets. It should be in addition to walks adventures, playdates and enrichment**

Interactive Toys

Rainy Day Enrichment

Snuffle Mats 


Puzzle Games

Rainy Day Enrichment

Short Training Sessions

Basic review of known behaviors (Sit, Down, Stay, Place, Loose Leash, Heel)

Tricks :(spin, roll over, play dead, circus dog, paw)

If you are still struggling with your dog I highly encourage you to do some research and find a professional dog trainer to consult with. They typically have some insight and can offer a variety of ideas.

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